Kodiak Hockey Team
Preston and Jordan Kozub

"Dinner Bell"
"Bear Country"
"Frazer Lake"
"Waiting Taxi"
"On My Way To Salmon"
"Looking For Salmon"
"Water is Cold"
"Time to Move"
"Fish Time"
"Waiting For Critters"

Breakfast Bear #1
Breakfast Bear #2
Ayakulik Camp Bear #1
Ayakulik Camp Bear #2
Ayakulik Kodiak
Morning Reflection
Red Fox
Kodiak Drying Off
Eagle Harbor Creek
Portage Creek
Kodiak Family
Swimming Kodiak

American River Fireweed
Anton Larson
Chiniak Creek
Close up
Eagle Crab Pots
Eagle Landing
Fat and Happy
Fish Catching Kodiak
Majestic Eagle
Beautiful Shoreline
Peaceful Wandering
Spring Lake Bear

Winter Day
Wind is Blowing
Mountain in Town
Boat Dock 1
Boat Dock 2

Around The Rock
Bald Eagle Talk
Barbie & Daughter with a silver salmon
Camp at Night
Let's Play

Boat Harbor
Bells Flats
Lush Forest

The take off!
Float planes over Kodiak
Back From Deep
Out of Grass
The Walk
Waters Perfect
The Pose
Standing Tall

On the Way
I Smell You
Kodiak Beauty
At the Dock
Cold Day
Downtown Kodiak
Thru the branches
Looking for fish
In the forest
Moss floor
Off the road
Waters edge
Sow with cubs
No salmon today
The look
Mom watching
Cubs on alert
Mountain top
Walking past
Follow Mom
Muddy waters
Jump in
Crossing road
Let's go
Mom is cautious
Walking past
Ocean front
Birds on kelp
Water is perfect
Wet forest
Boats at dock
Bald eagle
Ready for fish
Looking towards town
Eagles 1
Eagles 2
Fishing boat
The dive
Heading in
Heading out

The stare
Not again
Good catch

Sow and cub
Walking past
Into the grass
Messy face
In water
Big yawn
Sitting tall
Fall day
Tall grass

Nap Time!
Ton of Bears!
Kodiak Mountain
Resting Goats
So Beautiful
Side of Mountain
Goats Crossing
Close to Town
Waiting For Fish
On Bank of River
In the Water
I See It
Low Clouds
Footprints On The Beach
Nice View
Taking A Drink
Cliff Side
We Can Find One
Thanks Mom
In Water
Salmon Hunt
Here I Am
Walking Past
Stand Up
In Grass
Fall Day
Here I Come
Bald Eagle
Counting Fish

Swim Kid
Looking for Salmon
Headin' past
Let's swim
Need more fish
Found one
Back off
All clear
Bus is here
Traffic jam
Bear on ridge
Big ears
Boys of float
Kyak break
In woods
Kodiak deer
Cliff side
Laurie Lynne
Red peak
Bears on island

Garrett on a Kodiak Mountain
Ferry leaving
Dry dock
Three amigos
A little help
Pull John
Tom's silver
Break time
Jordan's red
Preston's red
Good day fishing.
Low tide
Big halibut
Preston's catch
Jordan's catch.
Kodiak valley
Cliff side
Make way.
Out of grass.
I can balance.
Fresh fish.
Fall colors.
In the mud.
Here I come.
Let's swim.
Brr, that's cold!
Where's the fish?
Make way.
Looking for fish.
I see one!
The look.
In the water.
Look close.
Low tide.
Fresh bear tracks.
Cool fall day.
Low tide.
Bear country.
Out of the woods.
In to the water.
Near river.
On the bank.
Beach front.
Fresh Salmon.
On the move.

Wet grass.
Low tide.
Licking claws.
Tall grass.
Walking bear.
Looking back.
Watching salmon.
Thru bush.

Boats in blizzard.
Springtime snow.
Parking on the water.
Calm water.
Bald Eagle.
Cool Day.
Rest time.
The look out.
Remote beach.
Life is hard for young bears.
Just walking through.
Hidden waterfall.
Kodiak beauty.
On the water.
Fresh halibut tonight!
On the water.
Preston's camp music.
Rides here.
Calm waters.
Beach day.
Empty boat slips.
Green Green.
Snow almost gone.
Kodiak runway.
On the road.
Thats deep.
Perfect pit stop.

Can you spot the bear?
Look close.
Here I come.
Follow me.
Hill climb
Springtime Beauty
On the mountain
Can you count how many?
Russian Ship
How man Bald Eagles?
Kodiak Boat
Gettin' stuck
Bears in the area.
Spring Day
Kodiak Deer
Clear Day
On The Beach

Kodiak Buffalo.
Bear Country.
Da Boys with a few Silvers.
Approach with caution.
Keep going.
Watch where you drive off road.
On The Beach.
Salmon Stream.
Kodiak Bear Fishing.
Bear looking for scraps.
Bears Bears Bears.
Bears on the Rocks.
Fishing Bear.
How many bears.
Looking at water.
Sow with Cubs.
Cubs Exploring.
Great to explore with.
Hunter & Jessie.
Kodiak Rainbow.
Mike & Hunter with a Silver.
Floating the river.
Clear Day.
Pirate Mike.
Bears Walking.
Working the Stream.

Kodiak Buffalo.
Preston with Salmon.
Big Jeffy with fish.
Jordan with his catch.
John getting into the action.

John's kayaks.
Air Cargo Leaving Kodiak.
Old Bunker on Kodiak Coast.
Jordan & Preston with Halibut.
That's fresh!
Mountains galore.
Kodiak swimming in Ocean.
Bald Eagle on Rocks.
Kodiak Wildflowers.

Jordan and Preston.
Watch your step.
Iris patch.
Picture perfect.
Wide open spaces.
So lush and green.
Ocean edge.
Logs on the beach.

I have an itch.
Power up the hill.
I am the King.
Hidden in the Brush.
Looking for dinner.
That Taste Good.
Look close.
Out for a swim.
Can you see me.
Waiting for salmon.
That's good.
Waiting for lunch.
Kodiaks stunning beauty.
Bald Eagle Pride.
Calm Lake Today.
Count two spring cubs.
Beauty all over.
Passing Thru.
Make way.
On watch.
Bear Country.
The take off.
Kodiak Boat Harbor.
Calm day.
Great to use on Kodiak.

Can you count four?
Lazy days.
This grass is tall.
Low tide grazing.
On the run.
Checking John out.

A bear family.
A swimming bear.
Come on guys. I'm a bit shy.
Who goes there?
Is that you John?
Climbing so I can get a better look.
Mom says I am not to be bothered while I'm eating.
We love playtime with Mom.
Come out very slowy. We are being watched.
Cubs, isn't the view wonderous?
What's that smell?
Ah, it's just John. Hello!
Maybe if I hide over here he won't see me.
Darn, he found me.
Ready or not here I come.
Having a little quiet time under a tree.
Hey are you guys back at it again?
Come on cubs. It's time to go home.
But Mom I don't want to go home.

Brad and Paul.
Let's swim.
Let's do lunch.
I wonder what's under this rock?
Follow the leader.
Well fed cubs.
I'm wet.
Hey now.
Any fish?
Paul with his Dolly.
So shy.
On the run.
Graceful walk.
Outside the tent.
John is that you?
Mommy makes the best pillow.
Move along kids.
Snack time.
Paul and Peter.
One of my best pictures.
Time to move.
Ahh, what a perfect day.
A bald eagle.
I have the fish.
Sneak Peak.
The Family.
Looking up.
Bear slide
Paul with his silver salmon.
Open wide.
Tall grass.
John's camp.
So cute.
Can I eat?
Looking for John.
The pose.
Bus is here.
The hunt.
Nap time.
Tommy is so proud.
In the grass.
Sitka Black Tail Deer.
Smelling John.
Hey you.
King of the stump.
The perch.
On the way.
Look out.
Which way to do I go?
To the river.
Salad anyone.
John and his big catch of the day.
The hills.
I see you.
The swim.
Lazy days.

Kodiak Coast Line
John's camp with electric fence.
Can you see two cubs?
On the hunt.
Fishing time.
John gets the look.
Trees make a great resting place.
No pictures please.
What a picture!
Taking it easy.
Time to move.
Salmon stream on Kodiak.
Immature bald eagle.
Bears have been onshore.
On the chase.
That is so good.
Yum Yum
I'm am beautiful.
Mom and cub.
Notice the fish guts in the back.
Skin is so good.
What a stare at John.
Lets play.
That is so good.
Bear trails to the berry patch.
My buddy Willy with yet another perfect landing.

1-2-3 smile.
A well fed kodiak.
After a Salmon.
At the falls.
Bear trail high in the mountain.
Cubs love to play.
Dinner time.
Family of three.
I see you John.
I'm the King around here.
I'm so pretty.
John and Willie.
John looks for the next great picture.
Kodiak mountain top.
Lilly Lake.
Out for a morning swim.
Excuse me please.
Peter and John enjoying the Kodiak sun.
Playing with fish is fun.
Basking in the sunshine.
Snack time.
Tony and his silvers.
Tony with a halibut.
Tony, John and Leslie.
Where is Mom?.
You're all mine.

John and the glacier.
ATV's all the way.
The bend in the river.
The summer midnight sun.
Is that famous Chet?
John and Tommy pushing the plane.
John with the gang.
A beaver pond.
John and Coach Tim.
Getting the rafts ready.
Inmature bald eagle.
Water, water everywhere.
John with a Rainbow Trout.
Can you lift it John?
A fish every cast.

John with a King Salmon.
The River Rats.
Wow! That's a big bear print.
I love Salmon eggs.
John rowing Chet and Tim.
Radio collard bear.
John's camp.
Push off boys.
Coach Tim with a Sockie.
Look at me.

Tommy Barber working on fresh caught Halibut.
Another plane.
Remote Lodge on Afognak Island.
Thick, dence forest cover Afognak Island.
Coastal rock formations can be found on many Alaska shores.
These are the sea kayaks we used.
Tim Richardson and John Kozub - "Kodiak Brown Bear Trust"
Me and the gang.
Gregg Patterson (camera around neck), Leslie Kerr and Jerry Sparrow.
1940's plane.
Jerry, John, Colleen.
Janlynn Expedition women's Rowing Team 2002 United Kingdom.

Tree scratched by a bear.
Bear resting.
Fish bones all over.
Bear track on the side of the mountain.
Swimming bear.
Fresh water spring.
Mom and cub looking at John.
Baby bear eating fish.
Fox working the stream bank.
Traveling to the refuge.
Greg Razzo and John. (best attorney on Kodiak)
Kodiak bears snack.
Resting place.
The cycle of life ends for this salmon.
Kodiak shoreline at night.
Hundreds of streams filled with fish on Kodiak.
Kodiak shoreline at day break.
Some roads need to be traveled carefully.
John with ocean run silver salmon.
Glaciers on the way to Anchorage.
Kodiak airport.
A sow with two cubs.
Sniffing the air.
Lunch time.
Thousands of salmon fill the river.
In the field.
John I see you.
Cooling off.
Cubs are very inquisitive.
A sow makes sure she knows what is around her.
Dinner time.
Kodiak black tail sitka deer.
Waiting for salmon.
Cubs says hello to John.
Deck hand with a king salmon.

Tony & Mike with today's catch.
Tom, Brad and Tony on Alaskan Mountain July 2001.
The River Rats July 2001 Alaska.
Tom Barber www.tomsalaska.com ready for GQ magazine.
Some serious bear traffic behind John's tent last night.
Very good bait to use.
Tony & John on July 2001 trip to Alaska.
Many Mountains in Alaska have snow year round left on them.
Getting to remote areas in Alaska requires a good floatplane.
Unloading the gear.
Packed and ready to go on the July 2001 Alaska adventure.

John, Tom, Brad and Steve. Me and my buddies from Idaho.
Good Day.
Waiting for my salmon.
Peter from www.shadowofthebear.com.
Has a bear been by?
Fall arriving on Kodiak Island.
John & Tom Barber from www.tomsalaska.com.
Follow me.
A close up.
Always keep a safe distance.
Finding a cozy spot to sleep.
Leslie Marcucella of www.shadowofthebear.com.

Kodiak looking into my eyes.
Fresh bear scat on Kodiak.
Picture taken from the raft.
One of the best pictures I have ever taken. July 2000 trip on Kodiak in the refuge.
Crossing the river.
Where are the fish?
One of the best buddies I have, Chet Wysocki, ready to bear watch.
On the move during a windy day.
John's land on Kodiak Island Alaska.
John and float plane pilot taking a break.
A yearling cub lost without Mom.

A Kodiak
I love running through the water.
Maybe if I stand on this rock I can see better.
Kodiak on alert!
Kodiak standing tall.
What's that? Ahh just a fox.
Cute little thing!
Hey no fair, how did you catch that fish?
Kodiak and an eagle.
Going fishing.
In search of food.
Still looking.
Got one! Yummy a pink salmon.
Here is whats's left.
Hey buddy! Long time no see.
We can fish together.
That's where I take my naps.
Watch out for the bear scat. Yuck!

Kodiak Island
A beautiful view!
Another nice view.
Mountain majesty.
Snowcapped mountains.
A coastal beach.

The Kodiak Police Department
Coast Guard Base
The Red float plane.
And the blue float plane.
Inflatable rafts.
Oh no! Do I have my permit?

Ready to go do some bear watching!
Wow! Check out our cabin.
The salmon are spawning.
This is the place guys.
John caught a rainbow trout.
Wow! A king salmon.
Wow look at the size of this fish!
No No, look at mine!
Anyone for suchi? HA HA just joking.

Email: jkozub@aol.com
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